SCR ServiceCargoRail GmbH
Maintenance activities on rail vehicles, metal technology & metal construction, labor leasing, trade
Business Park North 12
A-3701 Großweikersdorf
Contact details:
Tel: +43/664/88789263
UID No.: ATU77360838
Company register number: 564849 k
Commercial register court: St. Pölten
Membership of the Chamber of Commerce Organization: Member of WKÖ, WKNÖ
Applicable legislation and access to it: Professional law: Trade regulations:
Supervisory authority / trade authority: District Administration Tulln
Job title: Master craftsman
State of award: Master craftsman examination taken in Austria
Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the EU online dispute resolution platform: You can also send any complaints to the above e-mail address.